When you're creating your order, Elastic Suite offers multiple beneficial functions within the order itself. You can access these options from the 'Menu' button. You can choose to save your order, create a Whiteboard, export your order PDFs, and much more.

Clicking on the 'Menu' button will display a drop-down with several options:

Exit the current order and create a new order. You will be given the option to save the current order if you have any unsaved changes.
Saves your order to the cloud.
Saves a new copy of your order.
Downloads a .els file that can be re-uploaded into Elastic.
Generate a PDF of your order that can be downloaded in 'Print Jobs'. If there are no products in your cart, this option will be greyed out.
Export your order as an Excel Sheet.
Creates a local backup of your order that you can send to Elastic Support for recovery. Recommended if you lose connection to the internet and are unable to save.
Import an Excel or CSV file into Elastic.
If this functionality is configured, scanning barcodes will populate products into the order.
Create a new Whiteboard with your current order.
Applies discounts to your order (if qualified).
Undo Previous Action.
Redo Previous Action.
Exit the order and open a list of your saved Draft and Submitted orders.
Exit the order and open the Print Jobs view. This is where all of the PDFs you generate in Elastic will be available to download.
Exit the order and open a list of your Collections.
Change the name of your order.
Change your username, password, or email address here.
Allows you to toggle between Standard Order Mode and Quick Order Mode. This button will change depending on the order mode the user is currently in
The Elastic Suite tool will fill your entire screen. Recommended when creating preseason orders and Whiteboards.
Change price displays and Language.

Links to the Elastic Support Homepage.
Exit the Order and go back to the Dashboard. You will be given the option to save the current order if you have any unsaved changes.