Quantity Entry is a feature that allows you to enter quantities immediately, in a separate window. It shows availability for the style and each colorway for that style. This window also includes your shipments organized by their shipping dates, so that you can plan shipments by availability. The 'Quantity Entry' window can be accessed in the 'Standard Order' entry method from the 'View Catalog' screen and the 'Enter Quantities' screen.

In the View Catalog Screen selecting the 'Quantity Entry' link on an item will bring up the Quantity Entry for that style.

In the 'Enter Quantities Screen' changing from By Shipment to All Products using the slider on the right will also bring up Quantity Entry with all the products previously entered into your cart.

Each color for the style will be displayed as you scroll down the screen.

'Today' displays the availability of the item today.

'Shipment 1' displays your first shipment tab, the shipping date you chose, and fields to enter quantities in.
'5/27/2023' Line displays a future stock that will be added on 5/27/2023.

'5/31/2023' Line displays a second shipment tab you created, the shipping date, and fields to put quantities in. There is more availability now.

'TOTAL' displays totals for quantities entered.